The removal of a testicle, a procedure known as an orchiectomy, is often necessary due to conditions like testicular cancer, severe trauma, or other medical issues. Understandably, one of the primary concerns for many men facing this surgery is its impact on sexual performance.
Testosterone Production
The testicles are responsible for producing testosterone, the primary male sex hormone that plays a crucial role in maintaining libido, erectile function, and overall energy levels. When one testicle is removed, the remaining testicle usually compensates by increasing its production of testosterone. This compensation often ensures that hormone levels remain within the normal range, thus preserving sexual function and libido for most men.

Fertility Considerations
While sexual performance might remain unaffected, fertility could be impacted since the overall sperm production is halved. However, the remaining testicle typically produces enough sperm to maintain fertility, although some men may experience a reduction in sperm count. For those concerned about future fertility, sperm banking prior to surgery is a viable option.
Psychological Effects
The psychological impact of losing a testicle can also influence sexual performance. Feelings of insecurity, altered body image, and anxiety about sexual desirability may lead to performance issues such as erectile dysfunction or reduced libido. Counseling and support groups can be beneficial in addressing these emotional aspects and restoring confidence.
Erectile Function and Libido
Most studies and clinical experiences suggest that men who undergo a unilateral orchiectomy (removal of one testicle) typically do not experience significant changes in erectile function or libido. The remaining testicle adapts to maintain normal levels of testosterone, thus supporting normal sexual function. However, individual experiences can vary, and some men might notice subtle changes in their sexual health.
Physical Recovery
Post-surgery recovery plays a role in short-term sexual performance. Pain and discomfort following the procedure can temporarily reduce sexual activity. It's important for patients to follow medical advice during recovery to avoid complications and ensure a quicker return to normal activities, including sexual activity.
In summary, the removal of one testicle generally does not lead to significant long-term changes in sexual performance. The remaining testicle usually compensates for the loss, maintaining adequate testosterone levels and supporting normal sexual function. However, addressing any psychological impacts and allowing time for physical recovery are crucial for overall sexual health. For individuals facing this surgery, discussing concerns with healthcare providers can provide reassurance and help manage expectations.